Masking Guidance for Unvaccinated Children
Posted on June 15th, 2021 to Uncategorized
Vermont has achieved 80% COVID vaccination. The state of emergency order for COVID-19 has ended. We are perhaps the most fortunate community in the world. Yet our unvaccinated children are still vulnerable to COVID-19.
Here is our guidance for keeping unvaccinated children safe:
Indoors and around unvaccinated people: Children and unvaccinated adults should wear masks and practice social distancing.
Outdoors: Children and unvaccinated adults do not need to wear masks.
These recommendations are in line with the American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter’s guidance.
Every family will have their own levels of comfort with COVID-19 prevention practices. Please check in with your neighbors and friends about their comfort level.
Thank you to the wise and intrepid children and the adults who have chosen to get vaccinated against COVID-19! Your choice, and your community-minded preventive practices have gotten us to this remarkable milestone.
If you are still questioning the safety of the immunizations for yourself and your children, we understand that. We would be happy to discuss your concerns with you.