All Health Supervision Visits (Physicals) will be performed at their scheduled times via Telemedicine
Posted on March 20th, 2020 to Uncategorized
Earlier in the week we announced that all wellness visits over 12 months of age were being postponed. Now that we have used telemedicine and learned how powerful a tool it is, we have decided we will perform all previously scheduled Health Supervision Visits (Physicals) via telemedicine.
It is important for our patients that we don’t delay developmental surveillance, anticipatory guidance, and safety guidance. We also don’t want patients to have to wait to discuss their concerns with us. We won’t be able to perform a physical exam, but can do this at a later time if needed. If immunizations are needed and should not wait until the end of social distancing, then we can arrange for quick immunization only visits in our office, which has had no sick people in it.
We look forward to seeing you for your visits!